Posts Tagged ‘figure’


Monday, October 27th, 2014

Another figure study. Been putting off including faces with the white-on-black and this time the contrast is not so high as the previous rim-lighting, and so lacks the impact of the other figures, but some good practice on working with tone using the white charcoal.

Posture revisited

Saturday, September 20th, 2014

A revisiting of the same image I drew back in 2010, only this time starting with black paper using white charcoal.

First time with only using white charcoal — have occasionally used it for highlights, but only rarely and never as the main medium. Was very surprised how quickly the drawing took shape and the ethereal nature of the result. This was “finished” in less than a quarter of the time of the original!

White charcoal on black pastel paper.


Tuesday, March 22nd, 2011

This one had an unfortunate spillage half way through — see if you can spot the water marks. From a distance still looks ok to me though.

Charcoal on A3 Bristol Board.


Sunday, May 30th, 2010

After managing to spill coffee on my ~70% finished charcoal figure study, I decided that I would do another quick figure study. Tried to make a weekend project out of it, but after a very productive Saturday, the majority is done. It’s not as detailed or finished as some others — may continue to work on it.

Total of ~10hrs, Charcoal on A3 bristol board.