Archive for October, 2010

Over the shoulder

Sunday, October 24th, 2010

Another find from the 2007 photos which has grown on me since the shoot.


Sunday, October 24th, 2010

Charcoal drawing on Bristol board (60 x 50 cm)

This one was a new one on several fronts — many of the usual facial shadow / highlights are obscured by the freckles and there is a shallower depth of field (with the hand, background and some of the face out of focus) which I’ve struggled to convey in previous drawings (often just looks like part of the drawing was rushed)


Sunday, October 24th, 2010

An oldie from 2007, recently rediscovered!


Sunday, October 17th, 2010

A view down over Ullswater in the lake district.

A rather cloudy day with the fluffy white stuff not only blocking the view of the sky, but also of the ground. Spent most of the morning climbing up a big hill for the view, only to end up right in the middle of a cloud. Naturally, on the descent the clouds cleared off the hills!

Oh well, I’ll just have to go back!


Saturday, October 16th, 2010

And the river flows ever on,
bringing life with every bend and fall,
paying no heed to wished or desires,
onwards, downwards to the sea,

Unstoppable rushing and gushing,
unblockable meandering and wandering.
No mortal effort can deny its desire,
ever towards the embrace of the ocean.

No earthly creation can halt the progress,
the small and soft get carried away,
the large and hard are but a temporary obstacle,
pushing, cutting, routing, sooner or later a path is formed.

The river flows on, through rain and shine,
the seasons roll past, a century is but a flash,
indifferent to the admiration of passers by and artists,
ignorant of the curses from travellers trying to cross.

Part of the Aira Force near Ullswater in the lake district.


Saturday, October 2nd, 2010

Charcoal drawing on Bristol board (39 x 27 cm)

Last in my series of nudes. Thought it would be fun to explore a scene with a wide tonal range but with many darks, try to explore the much darker aspect of charcoal (over my previous choice of graphite)

I think I’m sold on charcoal, the wider tonal range, the beautifully dark blacks and the lack of shine all fit into what I like and enjoy in drawing.