Archive for January, 2010


Sunday, January 10th, 2010

Graphite drawing on Bristol board (29 x 35 cm)

Graphite pencils 4B – H.

Trying a slightly different technique, making more definitive pencil strokes where you can see every mark I’ve made. Interestingly can still create a relatively clean and smooth finish (when viewed from a distance) but as you look closer individual strokes are much more visible than in other works.

One of the last pieces before I moved to working with Charcoal.

Down Some Dark Alley

Monday, January 4th, 2010

The wonderful Cassie, hiding down a darkened alley, just waiting to strike those who drift unwilling into her path.

No, not really. Actually standing infront of a beautiful wall in an Orchard just outside Cambridge (and taking the opportunity to show off some of the fantastic finds in your local Oxfam)